On April 28th, we held program of donating educational books for 500 children from Institucion de Educativa "Patrica Antonia Lopez" from Santa Anita. Maria prepared interactive games for children. Captivating show of magic presented by our dear friend MagoJan who volunteered his talents for this occasion kept children spellbound. Present were mayor of Santa Anita, Leonor Chumbimune. Books were sponsored by "Activated Ministries" in USA. Thank you all!
December 4th, 10:30 am at the Municipalidad de Santa Anita took place ceremony of donating educational books and DVDs for 11 poorest schools of Santa Anita district. Each school received set of 29 DVDs, six beautifully illustrated hard cover books containing narration on CD, 10 CDs with songs and dramas, 2 sets of 35 posters portraying good manners and last, but not least - motivational quote book for the principal desk. Present were: Alcaldesa Leonor Chumbimune, Gerente General Juan Carlos Marin Silva, school directors and project managers of Sanando Corazones Peru. The donation of materials worth of 7700$ was possible due to generosity of Activated Ministries, the charity based in US whose mission is "to strengthen families and children by promoting and teaching the moral values and character-building principles of the Bible." |
May 2013